The Ramp Church International (RCI), initially The Ramp Worship Experience, was founded on April 3, 2005 at the Historic Train Station in Altavista, VA with a small passionate group of Liberty University and North Carolina A & T students, along with some of Bishop Younger’s close family and friends.
With a unique atmosphere that fused the traditional Pentecostal experience and sound with contemporary worship, the church attracted many and grew quickly during its beginning stage. At that time, weekly services were held in temporary meeting spaces (The Train Station, the Altavista Holiday Inn, and Liberty University’s Chapel), but this rapid growth led RCI to search for a new home. Shortly into that search, Bishop Younger was approached by Pastor Tracey McCutheon of the Love Church International in Altavista, VA. Pastor McCutheon made a generous offer, which the Ramp Church graciously accepted. For 1-year, RCI met for worship service on Sunday afternoons at the Love Church in exchange for leading worship for their morning services.
At noon on October 20, 2005, the Ramp Church International was officially declared a local church body by select independent bishops (including Bishop Lorenzo Hall, Bishop Tony Carter, Bishop Raymond Bennett and Bishop Motley G. Davis). Sometime after, the young thriving church found a home of its own. RCI moved into a 3,500 square ft. pool hall in Hurt, VA; just 5 minutes south of Altavista, VA. The vision of Bishop Younger, the tenacity of RCI members, and the help of friends, such as Deacon Bill Recter and Elder Gene Gillette, transformed that pool hall into a beautiful sanctuary with functional space for community service.
“Even in smallness, excellence is demanded”- Bishop S. Y. Younger
The developing culture of love and pure passion for God produced immense growth while in this space, better known as “The Store Front”. By God’s leading, Bishop Younger also started a para-ministry in Lynchburg, VA on the campus of James Crossing Housing Complex which served residents of that community while spreading the gospel of Christ.
The Ramp continued to grow and in March of 2008, Bishop Younger sought after God for a new space to call home. Bishop was led to 3760 Candlers Mountain Road in Lynchburg, VA, known as “Thirty-Seven Sixty”. God opened the door for the church to begin moving into this larger facility, but on the eve of the Ramp’s 3rd Anniversary, the church was prohibited from entering the facility due to rezoning issues with Lynchburg City. The church temporarily moved downtown to the City Market Lofts, known as “The Dungeon”, while awaiting the rezoning of the property by Lynchburg City Council. In June of 2008, the wait was over, rezoning was complete, and the Ramp officially moved into the memorable “Thirty-Seven Sixty” building. The Ramp continued growing, by leaps and bounds. During its tenure at this location, RCI became well known for it’s radical style of praise and worship and the sound teaching and preaching of God’s Word.
“Reaching As Many Possible”
The Ramp expanded its reach by establishing outreach and ministry in Guatemala and India, kick starting our Foreign/Global Missions Ministry. RCI continued to grow, and the vision of the church expanded. On April 30, 2011, S. Y. Younger was officially consecrated to the office of Bishop and One Way Churches International was founded.
"...We will soon possess the land..."
This was a beautiful time of local, national and international growth, so shortly after One Way’s 2012 Holy Convocation, the Ramp Church partnered with Euclid Christian Church in midtown Lynchburg, VA. This "Joint Fellowship" agreement allowed the two churches to share the facility, known as “Twenty-Two Twenty”. This was "God ordained"! The two congregations formed a beautiful lasting relationship and on December 4, 2014, The Ramp officially purchased the facility. An official “Passing of the Torch” ceremony was held between the two churches on March 29, 2015, making headlines on the local news and front page of the local newspaper. The church kept growing!
"Recharging Atmospheres, Manifesting Purpose"
The Ramp progressed in its sound, culture, and impact on the community and in October 2018, the congregation officially acquired its current home, the former Thomas Road Baptist Church Sanctuary and Educational Complex. The Ramp is still growing! The Ramp is thriving in housing local educational programs and small businesses, continued Global Missions work in over 4 countries, maintaining the unique atmosphere of worship, and growth by keeping the culture of genuine love and fellowship alive!